8th February, 2025
Ashok Stambh Ashok Stambh
(Under Ministry of Railways, Government of India)
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Beware of touts and job-racketeers claiming to provide jobs through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.

Selection Procedure

RRB calls applications from the eligible applicants by “ONLINE” process for various Technical and non-technical categories as well as Para medical posts in Group 'C' cadre, as per indent(s) submitted by Principal Chief Personnel Officer of Northeast Frontier Railway. Normally, the employment notification is published on the “Employment News” (A publication of Government of India) and also on RRB Siliguri’s website. “Indicative notice” is also given through leading National & Local News Papers for wide circulation. The applications (On-line), as received in response to such notification, are scrutinized for eligibility and the eligible candidates are called for Computer Based Test (CBT) with call letters being generated in RRB website and downloaded by the candidates minimum four days in advance of the date of the CBT. The CBTs are generally held in various Institutes under strict CCTV surveillance. The CBT is held on one or two parts depending on the category of recruitment. In most categories of jobs, there is no interview. For a very few specific categories there is a viva (Interview) after the Main CBT. For certain categories there is also a skill test like typing test or stenography test. For categories related to operational safety like Assistant Station Master, Motor Man, Traffic Assistant and Assistant Loco Pilot etc. an aptitude test is conducted.

The candidates who are successful in CBTs and Aptitude Test/Interview (if applicable) are called for counseling and scrutiny of original documents along with verification of identity of candidates. The candidates are also required to undergo medical examination to ascertain if they meet the prescribed medical standard as mentioned in CEN for the given category of recruitment. Based on merit eligibility, medical fitness etc. a panel of names is then recommended to Zonal Railways to the extent of vacancies notified in each category.



The results of selection at every stage will be made available.

  • On the Notice Board of RRB
  • Indicative notice given in various news papers, both local & national.
  • Through the Internet on the website of this RRB.

The selection process is based on merit and is subject to the rules and regulations issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), which includes reservation of jobs for certain castes/communities such as Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Communities (OBC). Ex-servicemen, Persons with disability (PWD) and Economically Weaker Section (EWS).

The entire recruitment system functions impersonally without fear or favour. There is no scope for corruption, influence or discretion in this process. Strict action is taken against Candidates using unfair means and indulging in malpractices.



RRB recommends the name of the successful candidates after following due procedure including medical examination prescribed for the respective category and then the appointments are made by respective Zonal Railways.

The overall policy guidelines for all Railway Recruitment Boards in India are laid down by Railway Recruitment Control Board, Ministry of Railways, Government of India, New Delhi.



The selection Procedure mentioned as above is indicative only and is subject to change from time to time in various Centralized Employment Notices (CENs). The selection procedure mentioned in the concerned Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) will govern the selection procedure against that Centralized Employment Notices (CEN). Candidates should go through the detailed selection procedure mentioned in the concerned Centralized Employment Notices (CEN) for detailed information.

Latest Notices
  • If any candidate is approached by any one with Demands of Money of favours for securing Railway Jobs, She/He should lodge a complaint in nearest Police Station.
  • Candidates can also call on the phone no. 0353 2663840 during office timing for guidance.
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