8th February, 2025
Ashok Stambh Ashok Stambh
(Under Ministry of Railways, Government of India)
Indian Railways Logo
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Beware of touts and job-racketeers claiming to provide jobs through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.

Accessibility Help

Are you finding it difficult to access/navigate through the content/pages of this Portal? This section attempts to help you have a pleasant experience while browsing this Portal.



We are committed to ensure that the site is accessible to all users irrespective of device in use, technology or ability. It has been built, with an aim, to provide maximum accessibility and usability to its visitors.

Best efforts have been put to ensure that all information on this website is accessible to people with disabilities. For example, a user with visual disability can access this website using assistive technology, such as screen reader. Users with low vision can use high contrast and font size increase options. This website meets level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 laid down by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

If you have any problem or suggestion regarding the accessibility of this Site, please send a feedback to us.


Screen Reader Access

Our visitors with visual impairments can access the site using Assistive Technologies, such as screen readers.

Following table lists the information about different screen readers:

Screen Reader Information
Screen Reader Website Free / Commercial
Screen Access For All (SAFA) https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/safa-developer Free
Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) http://www.nvda-project.org Free
System Access To Go http://www.satogo.com Free
Thunder http://www.webbie.org.uk/thunder Free
WebAnywhere http://webinsight.cs.washington.edu/ Free
Hal http://www.yourdolphin.co.uk/productdetail.asp?id=5 Commercial
JAWS http://www.freedomscientific.com/Downloads/JAWS Commercial
Supernova http://www.yourdolphin.co.uk/productdetail.asp?id=1 Commercial
Window-Eyes http://www.gwmicro.com/Window-Eyes/ Commercial

Viewing Information in Various File Formats

The information provided by this Web site is available in various file formats, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Word, Excel and PowerPoint. To view the information properly, your browser need to have the required plug-ins or software. For example, the Adobe Flash software is required to view the Flash files. In case your system does not have this software, you can download it from the Internet for free. The table lists the required plug-ins needed to view the information in various file formats.

Plug-in for alternate document types
Document Type Plug-in for Download
Portable Document Format (PDF) files Adobe Acrobat Reader - (External website that opens in a new window)
Latest Notices
  • If any candidate is approached by any one with Demands of Money of favours for securing Railway Jobs, She/He should lodge a complaint in nearest Police Station.
  • Candidates can also call on the phone no. 0353 2663840 during office timing for guidance.
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