15th January, 2025
Ashok Stambh Ashok Stambh
(Under Ministry of Railways, Government of India)
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Beware of touts and job-racketeers claiming to provide jobs through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.

An Appeal to Aspiring Candidates

The Railway Recruitment Board, Siliguri conducts examinations for Non-Gazetted/Group 'C' Posts for Indian Railways, as per allotted jurisdiction, and recruits persons of merit in a fair and transparent manner.

Our examinations are mainly of multiple-choice objective types, Computer Based Test and computerised evaluation is being resorted to. The candidates are selected strictly as per the merit drawn by the computer, adhering to the rules including rules for reservation of SC/ST/OBC etc. There is no scope of human interference and intervention at any stage or any scope of leakage of question paper.

Beware of Touts and job racketeers trying to deceive you by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair and unethical means. RRB has not appointed any agent(s) or coaching centre (s) for action on its behalf. Candidates are warned against any such claims being made by persons/agencies. Candidates are selected purely as per merit. Please beware of unscrupulous elements and do not fall in their trap. Candidates attempting to influence RRB directly or indirectly shall be disqualified and legal action can be initiated against them This appeal is issued in the interest of the candidates to avoid getting way lead by mischievous elements and the RRB/Siliguri will not be held responsible for any such misadventure on the part of the candidates. 

Railway Recruitment Board, Siliguri

Latest Notices
  • If any candidate is approached by any one with Demands of Money of favours for securing Railway Jobs, She/He should lodge a complaint in nearest Police Station.
  • Candidates can also call on the phone no. 0353 2663840 during office timing for guidance.
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